Story behind the name. Carryout Crab House

Deciding on a name for a business is always a difficult decision — or it is in most cases.  Not so for the Koluch family when it came time to launch their Carryout Crab House.

Paul Koluch has been supplying the best local crabs to some of the most well known Baltimore Crab Houses for years.  So if you ever enjoyed steamed crabs from such places as — (well we can’t exactly mention them, but you know who they are), you have already enjoyed the harvest of the Bay provided by Paul and his family.

Over the years, family (and occasionally some close friends) have mentioned to Paul or Barry that they had a craving for crabs; code for — got any crabs I can purchase for a “Friends & Family” discount?
Craving for crabs became a well known and often heard expression for as long as the Koluchs have been crabbing, and that is a long time.  So it was only natural that when it came time to open a Carryout Crab House, they chose to be ever mindful of their family, friends and now their customers by tweaking their friends favorite expression to come up with:  Cravin’ Crabs.

Now everyone who has a Craving for Crabs can go to the Carryout Crab House that provides the best steamed and live crabs in the Baltimore area.  You are all part of the extended circle of Friends and Family who can get your craving for crabs fulfilled at reasonable prices — because the middleman has been cut out of the loop.  You will get your steamed crabs and live crabs directly from the veteran crabbers, and from the newest and most efficient crab steaming facility in the Baltimore area:

the Cravin’ Crabs Crab House!


When you think “Steamed Crabs Baltimore”  —  think Cravin’ Crabs!